10 Best Foods to Fight Off Covid-19

11 Fight-Off-Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is a really serious issue and really, no lifestyle change, aside from social distancing and proper hygiene practices, can protect you from the virus. However, there are certain foods that can help boost your immune system which is something that we all really need in this period. So, in no particular order, these are the top 10 foods that can help you to fight off Covid-19.

Number One: Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the richest foods you’ll ever put in your mouth. This one vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and also rich in a number of antioxidants; all of which are essential for a strong immune system. One very important compound that you will find in significant amounts in broccoli is sulforaphane; this compound has been known to help the body to fight against common infections and also fight autoimmune diseases.

That said, if you want to get all of that goodness from your broccoli, consider eating it raw instead of cooking because the more you cook broccoli, the less the nutrients you can get from it. However, if you would rather not eat your broccoli raw, that’s fine because steaming works just as well, but make sure that you’re not doing anything more than steaming.

Number Two: Yoghurt

If you’ve heard or read health professionals recommend yoghurt as a healthy food, it was probably Greek yoghurt that they recommended and there is a reason for that. Greek yoghurt typically has live and active cultures that could help boost your immune system, making it ready and better able to fight off intruders. So, if, for whatever reason, Greek yoghurt is not your thing, just make sure to go for yoghurt that has live and active cultures, and you can find that out by checking the ingredients list. You should always check the ingredients list before buying any food, by the way.

Aside from that, good yoghurt should also contain vitamin D which also contributes to boosting your immune system. That said, you really need to avoid sweetened yoghurt because it introduces unnecessary and ungodly amounts of artificial sugar into your body. If your plain yoghurt is not sweet enough for you, you could sweeten it with fruits or some honey; just make sure it is nothing artificial.

Number Three: Garlic

Experts say that the reason garlic is so good at boosting the immune system could be because of its content of sulphur-containing compounds. These compounds, especially allicin, help the body to fight off certain viral infections including the flu and cold. And, recently, it was discovered that garlic also has antiviral and anti-microbial properties.

Specifically about the coronavirus, though, there was a study that found that eating garlic could help prevent the Infectious Bronchitis Virus, which is a strain of the coronavirus. Now, there hasn’t been enough research on this for it to be set in stone, but it is sure worth checking out.

That said, garlic is better eaten raw. Yes, I know this is a taste that takes getting used to, but you should try getting used to it as heat could weaken allicin and reduce the benefits you should get from it, which is why it is recommended that you eat it raw.

Number Four: Green Tea

If you are looking to boost your immune system in hopes of fighting off Covid-19, you might want to consider swapping out your coffee for green tea, or, at the very least, incorporating green tea into your diet somehow. Why? Well, it’s only because it contains two quite powerful antioxidants: flavonoids and catechins. Both substances work hard at protecting your body against toxins and stressors, and directly help to boost your immune system.

The antioxidants are also the reason why green tea is better for your immune system than black tea. The thing is that because the fermentation that black tea has to go through causes it to lose a huge portion of the antioxidants but Green tea, on the other hand, is not fermented but steamed, so a lot of the good stuff is preserved. So, go get you some green tea!

Number Five: Turmeric

Turmeric has quite the range because while it is used as a spice on the one hand, it is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent on the other hand. That is, you can use turmeric to spice up your curry and also use it to treat rheumatoid arthritis. That’s amazing but it’s not all. Turmeric also contains curcumin, which gives it its yellow colour, by the way, which might actually help to boost your immune system. It is worth the try if you ask me.

Number Six: Berries

Berries are rich in vitamin C and a compound called polyphenol which is great at neutralizing bacteria and viruses by inhibiting their replication. Of the different kinds of polyphenol, anthocyanins are the most effective at being antiviral, and you’ll especially find them in blackberries and raspberries.

Besides that, they are also full of minerals and fiber. They do not only boost your immune system, but also protect your heart and help your digestion.

Number 7: Coconut Oil

Apparently, some research has gone into the viability of coconut oil as an agent for fighting off the coronavirus and it came out positive. Basically, it was discovered that the lauric acid contained in coconut oil prevents the virus from replicating itself and also prevents it from binding to its host. So, you might want to swap out whatever oil you currently use for coconut oil. That said, it is still oil, so the fact that it could help boost your immune system enough to probably fight off the virus is not reason enough for you to go guzzling some oil.

Number Eight: Red Peppers

Peppers are awesome, especially the red bell kind! First off, just one medium sized red pepper contains more than enough vitamin C to fulfill your recommended daily amount. So, you don’t even need to eat too many peppers to get the nutrients that you need from them. Now, aside from vitamin C, red peppers also contain beta carotene, enough to fulfill your recommended daily amount, by the way, which turns into vitamin A in the body, and vitamin A is necessary for a healthy skin and an improved immune system. So, peppers are certainly something you want to start adding to your salad if you are serious about boosting your immune system.

Number Nine: Ginger

Fresh ginger contains something called gingerol which is a compound that helps to restrict the replication of viruses, especially in the case of the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Furthermore, eating ginger will help to reduce inflammation, heal a sore throat, probably reduce chronic pain, and it also contains antioxidants that are great for your immune system.

That said, there is actually something called too much ginger, especially if you are pregnant. General recommendation is 3 to 4 grams of ginger per day, but if you are pregnant, you shouldn’t take more than 1 gram in order not to put yourself at risk of a miscarriage.

Number Ten: Almonds

Almonds are rich in vitamin E which helps to boost the immune system and protect the body against the flu and colds. Now, vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, and what that means is it needs to be paired with fat in order for it to be properly absorbed by the body. This is one of the reasons why almonds are great because while they contain vitamin E, they are also nuts; so, they are a great blend of vitamin E and the fat that they need for absorption.

A half cup of almonds will give you about 15 mg of vitamin E, which is your daily recommended amount. However, there is a catch. Almonds are quite high in calories; that half-cup contains about 162 calories, which is a lot, considering that we are not talking about a main food. So, you really want to watch how much almonds you consume.

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