10 Best Foods to Cleanse and Detox Your Kidneys

23 Best-Kidney-Foods

Your kidneys are one of the most vital organs in your body, but they aren’t given much credit for their all-important task, of removing toxins from your bloodstream. Unfortunately for us, they’re also rather sensitive, and kidney issues are a pain to deal with. So it’s in your best interest to maintain your body in peak condition, and there’s no better solution than some nutritious foods.

In this article, we’re giving you a round-up of the Top 10 Foods For Your Kidneys. Let’s get started!

Number 1: Egg whites

Sunny-side up, scrambled or omelettes, lots of people love to start off their day with a plate of eggs. But whole eggs aren’t recommended to those following a renal diet, since the yolk is rich in phosphorus. The whites, on the other hand, are still a viable source of nutrition. And they’re great for kidney patients, especially those having dialysis treatment, due to being rich in protein. Almost 67% of the protein contained in a whole egg is found only in the whites! Plus, they contain all the nine main amino acids your body requires to work properly, so you won’t be short of many essential nutrients with this nutritious food. And protein can also keep you feeling full for longer. Egg whites will also keep you feeling full for longer, without pumping your body full of unneeded calories. Amazingly enough, a large egg can provide 4 grams of protein, with only 17 calories! From now on, an egg white omelette is the way to go.

Number 2: Sea bass

This fish is a high-quality protein popular for being rich in omega-3s. This is a remarkably healthy type of fat that carries a range of benefits for the body, from fighting inflammation to protecting eye health. Where you might consume other foods throughout the day that cause inflammation, omega-3s will save the day! They’ll help your body in its healing process, and prevent long-term illnesses that can end up damaging your kidneys. Have some of this delicious fish, and you’ll have a smaller risk of getting Alzheimer’s, lupus, asthma, cancer, diabetes and many more. Sea bass will also help boost your mood, being full of vitamin D which is excellent for raising your energy especially in the dreary winter months. This variety of fish also contains smaller amounts of phosphorus as compared to others, since this mineral isn’t recommended for damaged kidneys. But all in all, sea bass comes with loads of benefits to keep your body in perfect condition.

Number 3: Buckwheat

This whole grain is another popular choice for those dealing with kidney issues, since it differs from other grains in not having a high quantity of phosphorus. Instead, its nutritional value is much higher than that of its relatives, containing good quantities of B vitamins, magnesium, iron and fiber. The fiber helps improve digestion, particularly the type referred to as resistant starch contained within the husk, and the starchy carbs also ensure it has a low glycemic index. Moreover, buckwheat also has high-quality protein, which means it’s a rich, balanced source of the amino acids required by the body. It is particularly high in lysine and arginine. All together, these nutrients help lower blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and moderate blood sugar levels, helping your kidneys and body work perfectly. Lastly, those on a more rigid diet can make the most of this food too, since it’s completely gluten free!

Number 4: Blueberries

These sugary treats are another great source of antioxidants, which are essential to keep your body up and running. Anthocyanin is excellent in preventing multiple chronic diseases, especially those that come hand-in-hand with kidney problems. And with low quantities of certain minerals, blueberries make for a kidney-friendly snack! For example, one cup of blueberries contains only 1.5 milligrams of sodium and 18 milligrams of phosphorus. Both of these are discouraged in people suffering from weak kidneys, which makes them safe-to-eat and totally delicious! In addition, they’re remarkably low in calories but high in nutrients. In fact, their high quantities of vitamin K, manganese and fiber makes them one of the most nutrient-dense berries on the planet! There aren’t a lot of foods out there better than blueberries in protecting your kidneys.

Number 5: Red grapes

Fruit lovers rejoice, because you’ve got another healthy treat on your hands. Red grapes are small but mighty, carrying loads of nutrients, including vitamins A and C. But the star of the show is the flavonoids it contains. These antioxidants are wonderful in managing your blood pressure, and maybe even your blood sugar. They also have a low glycemic index, so they won’t spike your blood sugar. And once again, kidney dysfunction is often closely linked to diabetes or heart problems, so it’s essential to keep your whole body healthy. In addition, eating red grapes means you won’t be feeling hungry and reaching for an unhealthy snack anytime soon. They have a high water and fiber content, making them especially useful for weight management programs, but you can also include them in your everyday diet to maximise their benefits.

Number 6: Bulgur

This is another great whole grain option with comparatively low quantities of phosphorus and potassium, which is lucky for kidney patients. Bulgur is an edible cereal grain made from dried wheat, and since it’s barely processed, it’s a lot more nutritious than other wheat products. Its benefits come from an abundance of various nutrients, like its quantities of magnesium, iron, manganese and vitamin B. It’s also a great source of fiber, containing no less than 30% of the reference daily intake. This improves digestion and promotes the health of all your bodily organs–and that includes your kidneys!

Number 7: Cauliflower

Cauliflower might not seem like a particularly tempting vegetable, but its nutrition profile makes it a real kicker. It contains good quantities of vitamins C, K and B. But its kidney-related benefits come from the powerful antioxidant, sulforaphane. Not only does this reduce your risk of cancer, but studies suggest it may also help prevent kidney disease and other diabetes-induced complications. And with all the other antioxidants it contains, this vegetable is your best bet at reducing inflammation and protecting your body from harmful free radicals. It’s particularly high in glucosinolates, which has been shown to slow the growth of various types of cancers, and carotenoids, which can reduce the risk of various illnesses. With every serving of cauliflower, you’re on your way to having substantially healthier kidneys.

Number 8: Olive oil

This kitchen staple comes with a ton of health benefits. Not only is it a great source of fat, it’s also free of phosphorus, so it’s a blessing for people wanting to take extra care of their kidneys. The fats it contains are monounsaturated, making this oil extra healthy. Oleic acid, in particular, may help reduce inflammation and help counteract the effect of genes linked to cancer. Additionally, olive oil is high in calories, containing about 120 per tablespoon. This makes it a good option for people suffering from advanced kidney diseases, since they can tend to lose excessive weight. So if you want to maintain the health of your kidneys, olive oil is your best bet, whether you’re using it for cooking or a nice salad dressing.

Number 9: Garlic

Another privilege those with weak kidneys are deprived of is salt, which can substantially reduce the flavour of a dish. But there’s another food that can serve as an excellent substitute, making all your meals taste as delicious as before. Garlic is a great flavour enhancer, and it comes with multiple nutritional benefits too. Some of the minerals it contains include manganese and selenium, as well as notable quantities of vitamin B6 and C. This is on top of trace amounts of various other nutrients, so one little clove has pretty much everything you need in your diet. Garlic is also known for the sulfur compounds that are behind most of its health benefits, such as detoxifying heavy metals. These compounds are released when the clove is chopped or crushed, so add a generous helping of garlic to your next meal, and your kidneys will thank you for it.

Number 10: Arugula

Leafy greens are a godsend for all their health benefits. While spinach and kale are rich in potassium and thus discouraged for those with weaker kidneys, arugula is different. It’s low in potassium, but rich in folate, calcium and manganese. Vitamin A, also found in this nutritious vegetable, is especially great for maintaining kidney function. This is because it serves as a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. Moving on, it also contains a high proportion of beneficial nitrates which help lower blood pressure, a remarkable advantage for kidney patients. So if your diet’s lacking some leafy greens, don’t hesitate in adding some arugula to lunch or dinner!

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