Learning to run: why not everything goes when it comes to running


Running fashion is unstoppable at this point. Running is something that thousands of individuals do on a daily basis, each according to their own set of criteria. In other words, they purchase certain shoes that they suggest, which are generally rather expensive, as well as a GPS watch, a heart rate monitor, and so on. What, on the other hand, do they not generally do?

Consult with a professional training expert to ensure that you get off to a good start. And, most importantly, so that we have a positive experience and do not get wounded at the first chance, which is what generally occurs.

Basic principles to start running


Our racing efficiency will improve as a result of proper strength training. Aside from that, we will try to prevent ankle, knee, and hip problems. Training for running should be targeted; the conventional training of eight exercises for the whole body that we are generally given in gyms is not worth our time.

To this trajectory, we will add other more global exercises:

  • Our knee should establish an angle of 90 degrees while we are ascending or descending to or from a box or step.
  • Squats.


We will begin with walking, and if we are able to do so for more than 30 minutes on three days a week without experiencing difficulty, we will go to CACO (walk-run). We’ll go about it in the following manner:

  • Approximately three or four blocks of (walking five feet plus jogging one foot at a very moderate speed). Take, for example,
  • We will gradually raise the Duration and Intensity of the workout.
  • 4 or 5 blocks of (walking 3’+ jogging 2′) or equivalent.

Ninety-five percent of you will believe… I go for a straight run on the second day, which helps me progress more quickly since I feel good and nothing aches. That is something I hope does not happen, since the fact that we are not reacting to impacts at the musculoskeletal or ligamentous level will lead to our injuring ourselves. It became necessary to cease compulsorily.


We may split the weekly sessions into four days, with two days dedicated to strength training and two days dedicated to running training. The strength component will be critical in the first weeks, and while this may come as a surprise to you, it is true, I can guarantee you that it is.

In the future, if everything goes well, you may expand to 5 sessions per week, during which we will conduct 3 running sessions and 2 strength exercises, for a total of 5 sessions per week.

When it comes to the Strength workouts, I suggest completing the exercises from the two videos in the same session, doing around 10 repetitions in two sets, and taking a 30 minutes break in between. After about one month, we may also expand the series to three or four episodes. As a result, the sessions should last 45 minutes to an hour at the most.

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