How to Detox Your Liver Naturally


Did you know that the liver contributes significantly to your health?
Its most important task is to get rid of harmful substances by detoxifying the blood. This is necessary mainly due to large consumption of alcohol, tobacco or fried foods.
While all cleansing foods have a general cleansing effect, there are some specific foods that are considered especially helpful for the liver.
Healthy foods are everywhere, and you don’t realize how delicious and helpful they can be. And if you are looking for some healthy foods to help you detoxify your liver, you need to read this article.
Today we’ll be looking at the top 10 foods to detox your liver.

10 Apples

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
We all know this saying and one of the reasons why there is a spark of truth in it is the positive effect apples have on the liver.
Apples contain plenty of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber and helps remove toxins from the digestive tract and lower cholesterol levels. This, in turn, protects against liver overload.
The malic acid in apples also helps remove other toxins and carcinogens from the blood.
Continue to eat one apple a day or drink freshly made apple juice. It is not only delicious but also healthy.

9 Green Tee

Green tea is known for its invigorating effect, but also for its many health-promoting ingredients. One of these are the so-called cathechins. These are special antioxidant substances that can remove fat accumulation in the liver and promote healthy liver function. In a study in Japan, it was found that daily consumption of 5-10 cups of green tea helps improve blood markers of liver health.
Because of its antioxidant potential, catechins also help fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals are harmful molecules that support the development of inflammation, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
So green tea is not only healthy for the liver, but also contributes to your overall well-being. To get the most out of drinking green tea, make sure you brew it from loose leaves, as this allows for the release of more antioxidants. In this way, it becomes one of the healthiest beverages in the world.

8 Garlic

Garlic is one of the best foods when it comes to detoxifying the liver. It has been known for its health benefits for centuries. Its typical taste is due to many sulfur-containing compounds. These can activate liver enzymes that are particularly responsible for the elimination of toxins from the body.
But garlic also supports the liver in other ways. For example, it also contains the trace element selenium, which can protect the liver from damage caused by toxins and help it in detoxification processes.
In addition, garlic increases the level of antioxidant enzymes in the blood, thus strengthening the immune system. Furthermore, it is known for its antibacterial properties, strengthens blood vessels and regulates blood pressure.
So keep seasoning your food with garlic. It not only gives your food a great taste but also contributes to your well-being.

7 Turmeric

Besides being used as a pigment or spice, turmeric has been used for medicinal purposes in India for centuries. It is one of the most effective and powerful spices for maintaining a healthy liver.
The key substance that gives turmeric its healing properties is called curcumin. It is an antioxidant that protects the liver against damage from toxins of almost any kind. However, it not only protects the liver, but can even help regenerate damaged liver cells.
In addition, turmeric is considered to aid your digestion. It stimulates the bile to produce digestive juices, thus improving digestion, especially of fats. As a result, it prevents an uncomfortable feeling of fullness, bloating and nausea after eating fatty foods.
Turmeric can be used for seasoning. However, to ensure even better absorption into the human body, it is recommended to take it in the form of tea.

6 Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in beneficial ingredients such as healthy fats, antioxidants and vitamins.
Three substances are particularly important for the liver: arginine, glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids. All of these ingredients help the liver detoxify harmful ammonia, that is produced when braking down excess amino acids.
A 2019 study found that eating nuts in larger amounts reduces the risk of fatty liver disease and improves liver enzyme levels.
Another study was able to show that the consumption of walnuts causes a reduction in choesterol levels. In particular, the bad cholesterol is lowered.
Walnuts also contribute to the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system. Above all, the healthy Omeg-3 fatty acids play a crucial role. They cannot be produced by the body itself and must therefore be taken in by food. Walnuts contain the highest proportion of omega-3 fatty acids among nuts.
They are therefore an excellent snack for in between meals that is not only delicious, but also good for your well-being.

5 Olive Oil

If your doctor has recommended you to switch to an oil that improves blood levels of liver enzymes, provides improved insulin sensitivity, and reduces fat accumulation in the liver, it’s time for you to start using olive oil for cooking.
Because of its high content of unsaturated fat, it is considered a healthy fat with many benefits, including positive effects on the liver.
It supports the liver by providing a fluid base that removes harmful toxins from the body.
Several studies show that consuming olive oil lowers fat levels in the liver and helps increase blood flow.
It is also good for the heart as it is able to lower cholesterol levels.
If you have been using butter for cooking so far, you may want to consider switching to olive oil.

4 Yoghurt

Probiotic bacteria not only have a positive effect on the digestive system and general health, but also directly support the liver.
Studies have shown that after just 30 days, the intake of probiotics promotes and accelerates the regression of fatty liver.
This is where yoghurt comes into play. Not only is yoghurt rich in protein and vitamins, it is also full of probiotics, a beneficial form of bacteria. This not only supports the liver, but also your immune system.
To avoid consuming extra saturated fat, choose a low-fat or fat-free version. And watch out for non-flavored yogurts, because the flavored ones are usually full of sugar. Better add some fresh fruit or honey instead. By that also the unflavored yoghurts become super delicious.

3 Artichoke

The artichoke is an often underestimated vegetable.
But under the hard shell is a soft and delicious core
More than that, it is also a typical liver plant.
Especially the abundant bitter substance cynarin is known for its healing effect on the liver. On the one hand, it stimulates the flow of bile, promotes blood circulation in the liver and reduces toxin load through a direct detoxifying, i.e. toxin-binding effect.
Furthermore, the artichoke is also considered a liver protector because it protects the liver cells and stimulates regeneration.
In addition, the artichoke has other useful properties. The bitter substances it contains also aid in the digestion of fatty foods. It has a cholesterol-lowering effect and strengthens the heart and intestinal flora.

2 Beetroot

Beetroot contains vitamin C and a healthy dose of fiber, which acts as a natural cleanser for your digestive system.
According to some studies, drinking beetroot juice helps reduce inflammation in the liver and oxidative damage, and increases your natural detoxification enzymes.
Beetroot is very good at boosting the function of your liver and acts as an effective remedy for fatty liver. Thus, it not only reduces cholesterol levels but also the high amount of fat that has accumulated in your liver.
Whether you eat it in a salad or prepare a healthy beetroot smoothie, beetroot will act as a great food for your overall health.

1 Avocado

Avocado is known as a superfood in this modern world. They are rich in valuable vegetable fats and activate the body’s own formation of glutathione.
We already know glutathione from walnuts. It is a substance produced in almost all body cells, but especially in liver cells, and it can protect your body from free radicals. In this way, avocados can protect the liver from too much exposure to toxins.
Furthermore, avocados are also said to be able to rebuild a damaged liver.
One study reportedly showed that eating just one to two avocados a week for a period of just 30 days can repair a damaged liver.
It also contains plenty of minerals and vitamins.
So keep chopping your avocados into a salad, and mashing them into guacamole. This way you will not only please your taste buds, but also protect your liver.

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